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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(

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clauscc78 Posted - 05/17/2023 : 02:58:46
three things:
1) you can cancel my two positions: via Lazio, 4 Legnago VERONA (ITALY) with the symbol "50" and "37045"
2) GQ GMC Data Viewer works fine, but...
3) I can't see the data transmission on the map.
Google chrome tells me the site is "not secure"
thank you and say hello

GMC map Account ID: 04365
GMC map Geiger Counter ID: 18368167648
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
clauscc78 Posted - 05/31/2023 : 10:30:42
All right, already for a few days.
Thank you very much for your immediate contribution.
greetings, Claudius.
EmfDev Posted - 05/30/2023 : 09:21:17
I will send it to our devs and see if they can get rid of them.
clauscc78 Posted - 05/30/2023 : 05:13:10
Good day
attached are the markers that are incorrect. They should be removed if possible. They are the ones with the number 1-1-10-37045.
The other positioned on the house is OK, and transmits regularly when the PC is turned on.

Thank you very much.
Address on the map:
Via Lazio, 4
Legnago (VERONA)

EmfDev Posted - 05/26/2023 : 09:31:13
You can also email the screenshot so they can remove it. Just indicate which pins are needed to be removed.
clauscc78 Posted - 05/26/2023 : 08:48:10
now, I'm transmitting the data. Okay.
the problem was that I had an old driver on my PC.
Now the transmission is OK and with my name.
On the dwelling I have 2 incorrect markers, without a name and 2 on the street, near the house.
If I can I will post the screeshot.

anyway all ok.

thank you and goodbye
EmfDev Posted - 05/22/2023 : 11:11:11
You need to edit your post and then you will see an attach button.

Then follow the instructions and paste the link on your comment.
clauscc78 Posted - 05/22/2023 : 00:15:50
how do you attach a screenshot?
EmfDev Posted - 05/19/2023 : 12:47:22
You need to go to your profile and check the "Publish History" or something.
clauscc78 Posted - 05/19/2023 : 11:23:34
1) In my street, where I live, I see my Geiger 320 V4 Plus. But I don't see the historical data.
2) The other 2 incorrect positions "50" and "37045" that I entered by mistake do not have my name and are not needed.
3) at the moment I haven't put the screenshot because... I didn't succeed
EmfDev Posted - 05/19/2023 : 09:31:33
cant see the file, please edit your commend and click on attachment to upload your picture.
clauscc78 Posted - 05/18/2023 : 22:24:42
EmfDev Posted - 05/18/2023 : 12:06:08
can you take a screenshot of the map to see which pins they are?
clauscc78 Posted - 05/18/2023 : 10:20:37
Yes. "50" and "37045" are set wrong.
My wrong.
I only see a historical datum of May 17th. It's already something. Better than nothing. Could it be Google Chrome considering the site unsafe?
thank you and say hello
EmfDev Posted - 05/17/2023 : 09:56:07
Hi clauscc78, do you mean to delete the two pins? I tried your userid and geiger id using the automatic data sending link from the Map and it was successful with response OK.ERR0.

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