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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Date on balloon detail?

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zebra14 Posted - 05/05/2023 : 08:05:14
In the past, when I have clicked on a sensor balloon on the map, it would show me the info it normally shows, plus there was the latest date & time. As of today (maybe a few days ago?) I do not see the date any more when I click on a sensor balloon on the map. This was always helpful to know that my particular sensor was properly contributing to the group. I can get dates from sensors by clicking on "History Data" but that's not as convenient as seeing the date like we used to on the info bubble that appears when we click on a sensor on the map. Did something change, or is it a local problem on my home machine?

Here is a sample screenshot of my data - used to have a date, now no date.

Many thanks for any assistance or correction that can be done
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
zebra14 Posted - 05/05/2023 : 11:28:31
Originally posted by EmfDev

Thank you for noticing we will let our devs know about this missing time.

Thank you for addressing this - it now shows the date and time.

EmfDev Posted - 05/05/2023 : 09:33:23
Thank you for noticing we will let our devs know about this missing time.

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