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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Is there a way to delete all the current data?

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StevenL Posted - 05/03/2023 : 05:00:05

I have been recording data for awhile, and I want to reset the data that is uploaded into the map database.

I want to basically get rid of it all, and then start over, with new settings on the Geiger counter.

Can this be done by the user, not the GQ admin? Thanks.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
StevenL Posted - 05/03/2023 : 15:46:26
I checked my data, it is repopulating. Exactly what I wanted, thank you. Steven Lightfoot
StevenL Posted - 05/03/2023 : 13:37:25
Originally posted by EmfDev

Hi Steven, the history data has been updated and we added a delete history button. Can you check if you can delete yours using the button? Thanks.

Thanks, yes appears to work. I had to log into the map, which makes sense. I saw the delete function and it appears to have worked. Now I will check to see that it starts populating again, every 10 mins.

Thanks a lot.
EmfDev Posted - 05/03/2023 : 12:47:38
Hi Steven, the history data has been updated and we added a delete history button. Can you check if you can delete yours using the button? Thanks.
StevenL Posted - 05/03/2023 : 11:56:27
Originally posted by EmfDev

Currently, the website does not support the option. We will discuss and see if it can be added. Can you tell me your geiger counter ID and I will check. Do you want to delete all your history data?

ok thanks. Could be a useful feature for some people.

In my case, the reason I was to start clean is that I want to do a seven data run, to make data for Geigerlog (to eventually upload and analyze with FFT). I would normally get data via my computer and the USB line, but I am using a shared family computer and I cant get continuous longitudinal operation of the system for recording. So I will do it via the remote wifi map system.

ID is: 71985031375

Thanks for your help. I am currently doing ten minute samples, I will now just keep it going continuous for 10 days. Once you reset, it will just keep populating at 10 mins intervals.

Steven Lightfoot
EmfDev Posted - 05/03/2023 : 09:28:50
Currently, the website does not support the option. We will discuss and see if it can be added. Can you tell me your geiger counter ID and I will check. Do you want to delete all your history data?

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