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 Service Unavailable - Geiger Map down

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zebra14 Posted - 01/21/2022 : 05:42:37
Hi Folks - is down. The error says
"Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."
Could those responsible kindly apply the necessary fixes? Thank you in advance!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 01/30/2023 : 15:46:15
Hello, sorry for the inconvenience as we are still trying to solve the issues with the website.
zebra14 Posted - 01/30/2023 : 04:43:24
Alas, still getting "Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."
Is there a problem in capacity? Connectivity? Can more resources be devoted to this portion of the server?

Perhaps another server is warranted by now?

Thank you.
Bobakman Posted - 01/28/2023 : 14:34:32
Originally posted by noliver

I'm still having issues while trying to connect to the Web service. Any idea on how long will this error be amended?

Best regards

Yep still appears be down.

noliver Posted - 01/28/2023 : 10:41:23
I'm still having issues while trying to connect to the Web service. Any idea on how long will this error be amended?

Best regards
EmfDev Posted - 01/24/2023 : 17:32:11
Please be patient as we are still trying to solve the issue. We will move to another server if issue still persists.
ccrim Posted - 01/21/2023 : 16:23:23
Just want to chime in that I'm also seeing frequently returning "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable" with any browser (Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome).

Note that when it sometimes does respond, it is extremely slow and unresponsive. Over several days I've been unable to confirm whether my device is still reporting and displayed on the map because the site doesn't function long enough to investigate.

I hope the site can be restored to normal functionality at some point. Thanks!
JamesNewton Posted - 01/15/2023 : 18:41:23
Seems to be unreliable again. I'm trying to register to get my counter ID and user ID and it's just sitting there spinning. I use Chrome.
EmfDev Posted - 01/12/2023 : 10:46:54
It seems it was down and now up again.
szetaggy Posted - 01/12/2023 : 09:30:40
Test Connection:Link Server Failed says my GMC-500+
EmfDev Posted - 01/11/2023 : 12:03:20
We are currently checking on the issue why it goes Service Unavailable.
szetaggy Posted - 01/11/2023 : 08:43:34
Thanks for the response, now it works for me too, with the Edge browser. Loads data quickly.
Best regards, szetaggy!
zebra14 Posted - 01/11/2023 : 05:46:01
Originally posted by szetaggy

Again Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

Maybe it depends on the region?

Thanks if anyone reads it!

I've noticed that the page has been rather unreliable the past few days, but then I also noticed that if I tried using another class of web browser, it would work. Normally I use a chrome based browser to access the site. Then I tried Firefox this morning and it worked with current data. Then the chrome one started working again too... maybe someone is working some magic behind the scenes? Anyway, thanks for checking!
szetaggy Posted - 01/10/2023 : 09:40:48
Again Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

Maybe it depends on the region?

Thanks if anyone reads it!

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