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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Gieger counter position issue

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borrodine Posted - 10/05/2024 : 13:48:13
GQ Electronics GMC 500+

Hi I have two Geiger counters on my account and uploaded the data for a pin position I set on the map and all was showing up fine. I have now set the second unit up in a different location but uploading that data has moved all historical data from both units to the second location.

I have tried moving the pin for the second unit to the other location again and all data has moved back there , even data from the second location.The only thing that comes to mind is making a second account with the second location so they are not shown at the same location or am I missing something?


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 10/15/2024 : 15:55:46
On your devices, check the geiger counter Ids that were entered.
borrodine Posted - 10/12/2024 : 11:05:09
Yes two both showing on the manage "Manage Devices" page but both uploads are only showing on one "history data" link , nothing is showing under the other link. Moving the second to a different location just seems to move all the data including history to that location.
I replaced the older unit with a newer unit at the original location then attempted to move the older unit to a new location but all that does is move all the historical and new data to that location.
Geiger Counter ID: 49287263875
Geiger Counter ID: 67773605894
EmfDev Posted - 10/09/2024 : 17:26:00
Did you add another geiger counter on your profile and use that instead? So you have 2 separate geiger counters with 2 different geiger counter ids?

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