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 Aiming my Yagi

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dave Smith Posted - 09/18/2023 : 07:44:09

I plan to use the EMF-390 to aim a directional (Yagi) antenna at a single cell tower in rural Maine, USA.

The goal is to install an all-band cellular phone repeater in a remote cabin. Thanks to the on-line GQ tower map, I located 3 potential cell towers.

Now I need to determine which tower provides the best signal and then point the antenna to it. I need to learn:

1. A good way to setup the EMF-390 so I can see the change in cellular signal strength as I rotate my local antenna mast.

2. How to feed the incoming signal from the antenna down-lead (coax, with a male SMA connector) to the EMF-390. I am thinking of a small coil of wire taped to the EMF-390 and clipped to the center copper of the coax.

Any thoughts you may have will be appreciated.

Dave Smith

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