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 3. GQ EMF EF Meter RF Spectrum Power Analyzer
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dantheman Posted - 10/25/2022 : 16:53:00
Sitting home. All of a sudden feel strong burning in right ear. Meter locked onto WIFI/Cell phone. EF drops to 3 V/m. RF almost nil but EMF shoots to 1.0 mG - 0.7 mG and stays at this reading the whole time ear burning, including while typing this message. There was no EMF reading until burning in right ear. The meter was at mixed until reading WIFI/cellphone. I have no WIFI. I do pick up other WIFI signals.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 10/31/2022 : 10:08:35
Hi Dantheman, the change in EMF may have been caused by the amount of appliances being used in your home or in your area. Check if there is something that has changed at the time. The EMF reading is still under the recommended long time exposure. And check if the EF reading says static or AC ef. For RF, check for wireless devices e.g bluetooth,, or your phone or WiFi router.
Dantheman Posted - 10/26/2022 : 20:36:33
Actually once I raise meter past my ears I peak out at 76 V/m EF. Like a reading of 2 V/m EF until I raise the meter past the level of my ears. The tinnitus also fluctuates. With a RF reading as high as 7.905 mW/m2.

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